Shift operators to other tasks using superhuman visual inspection that is faster, cheaper and better

Automate inspection and eliminate escapes using inexhaustible AI

Human inspectors get tired, computers do not. Deploy tailor-made AI algorithms within minutes to execute hundreds of superhuman inspections in seconds. Achieve consistent, tireless performance. Minimize redundant inspections, cutting down on duplicates and triplicates while reducing escape instances.

Learn how one customer found 4.6% of units were escaping inspection.

Discover defects on day 1 with ready-to-use and programmable AI

Get up and running in 20 minutes, no IT or software engineers needed. If you know what is and isn’t a defect, you can program Instrumental. AI starts working with just 5 units, and learns with additional data.

Standardize quality across global locations with remote administration

Remotely administrate algorithms across your entire global supply chain. Ensure the same quality standard on every line, at every site.

Save operating costs by leveraging one camera for many issues

In addition to your known inspection items, our AI is constantly scanning and learning, enabling you to add hundreds of inspections to each camera – increasing the overall value your cameras provide to your line.