Instrumental outperforms AOI with novel defect discovery, faster deployment, and higher ROI

Instrumental vs AOI

Intercepts unknown and known defects on day 1

Instrumental, with AOI capability, not only detects known defects but also automatically identifies and intercepts new defects not in your SIP. It requires 5 units to initiate and learns through feedback, preventing future yield fallout or field issues.

Easy to deploy and learn

You can deploy Instrumental anywhere in the world in two to six weeks without IT or software engineering support. It is intuitive to use and doesn’t require extensive training, enabling you to put data and insights in the hands of your front line engineers so they can work more efficiently.

Access, program, update, and administrate remotely

Instrumental is a cloud-based platform that can be accessed and updated from anywhere in the world. This enables remote administration of your fleet of Instrumental inspection stations and algorithms without setting foot in the factory.

Higher ROI with one camera for multiple issues

Our visual inspection AI is constantly scanning and learning, enabling you to add hundreds of inspections to each camera – increasing the overall value your cameras provide to your line.