For years, the electronics industry has relied on putting engineers on planes to travel to far off factories as a critical part of the development process. While test stations and human inspectors can find some issues, the status quo for issue discovery in development is trying to be in the right place at the right time on the line. Luck should have no place in this kind of engineering, but it has been the fastest and seemingly cheapest way to discover the issues that need to be resolved before a product is ready to ramp. While leaders of these teams know that this method isn’t particularly efficient, replacing it has never been a priority. Until now.
With borders shut and engineers sheltering at home, leaders at companies that rely on delivering new products every year are facing a set of urgent challenges they have never solved before. One NPI Engineering Leader at a publicly traded electronics company put it this way: “If I cancel this program, we have nothing to put on shelves in the fall. But my engineers are stuck at home and my factory’s engineers are stuck in Taiwan. How am I supposed to do NPI without any engineers?”
The underlying problem that necessitates this travel is that the engineers don’t know where the problems are – so leaders send them to go and physically find them. Instrumental overcomes this hurdle by giving teams “eyes on the line” along with the tools needed to quickly and efficiently identify issues, do failure analysis, validate fixes, and close the loop by making sure they don’t come back.
In order to help teams as they face obstacles posed by COVID-19, we’ve collected five case studies that illustrate how customers use Instrumental’s invaluable remote work capabilities during NPI, ramp, and production. Access the full case study below.

Download the full Remote Work Case Study
5 customers thrive without factory travel during NPI, ramp, and production. Get 13 pages of detailed use cases, testimonials, and images.
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