A place for visionaries to learn from their peers about getting culture right, NPI, Production, and evaluating new technologies
See how companies are using Instrumental
Instrumental has saved us time and money by quickly identifying issues. This allows us to catch problems early and avoid costly teardowns and rework.
Oded Rivel
Project Management Team Lead, SolarEdgeInstrumental saved us 900+ engineering weeks, a core metric for Meta, unlocking capacity across our hardware and software teams.”
Steve McClure
Senior Director of Hardware Engineering, Reality LabsBy using Instrumental, it was like being at the factories. The transparency Instrumental provided resulted in more prompt attention and a higher level of care for our line, putting us on the same level of priority as other customers with higher volume.”
bill maginn
Operations Engineering and NPI leader, AxonPrograms that used Instrumental during development ramped faster than products that did not use it.”
Director of Engineering and NPI
Motorola MobilityWithout Instrumental, fixing the issue and delivering customer satisfaction would have been slower, harder, and more expensive.”
Burc Sahinoglu
Chief Technology OfficerNobody provides the contextualization and user experience that Instrumental has developed. This is the holy grail of data correlation. ”
Director of Operations, L3 HarrisInstrumental helped us quickly identify major impacts to our units and gave us data to back up what to do next.”
Senior Test and Quality Manager, PuffCo