NPI: A How To Guide for Engineers & Their Leaders
Leading from the Front
Building the Team
Screws & Glue: Getting Stuff Done
Choosing the best CAD software for product design
Screws vs Glues in Design, Assembly, & Repair
Best Practices for Glue in Electronics
A Practical Guide to Magnets
Inspection 101: Measurements
A Primer on Color Matching
OK2Fly Checklists
Developing Your Reliability Test Suite
Guide to DOEs (Design of Experiments)
Ten Chinese phrases for your next build
NPI Processes & Workflows
Production: A Primer for Operations, Quality, & Their Leaders
Steven Nickel on How Google Designs for Repair
Leading for Scale
Petcube’s Alex Neskin Embraces Imperfection to Deliver Innovation
Proven Strategies for Collaborating with Contract Manufacturers
Greg Reichow’s Manufacturing Process Performance Quadrants
8D Problem Solving: Sam Bowen Describes the Power of Stopping
Cut Costs by Getting Your Engineers in the Field
Garrett Bastable on Building Your Own Factory
Oracle Supply Chain Leader Mitigates Risk with Better Relationships
Brendan Green on Working with Manufacturers
Surviving Disaster: A Lesson in Quality from Marcy Alstott
Ship It!
Production Processes & Workflows
Thinking Ahead: How to Evaluate New Technologies
How to Buy Software (for Hardware Leaders who Usually Don’t)
Adopting AI in the Aerospace and Defense Electronics Space
Build vs Buy: A Guide to Implementing Smart Manufacturing Technology
Leonel Leal on How Engineers Should Frame a Business Case for Innovation
Saw through the Buzzwords
Managed Cloud vs Self-Hosted Cloud vs On-Premises for Manufacturing Data
AOI, Smart AOI, & Beyond: Keyence vs Cognex vs Instrumentalpopular
Visual Inspection AI: AWS Lookout, Landing AI, & Instrumental
Manual Inspection vs. AI Inspection with Instrumentalpopular
Electronics Assembly Automation Tipping Points
CTO of ASUS: Systems Integrators for Manufacturing Automation Don't Scale
ROI-Driven Business Cases & Realized Value
Webinars and Live Event Recordings
Materials Planning: The Hidden Challenges of Factory Transitions
Build Better 2024 Sessions On Demand
Superpowers for Engineers: Leveraging AI to Accelerate NPI | Build Better 2024
The Motorola Way, the Apple Way, and the Next Way | Build Better 2024
The Future of Functional Test: Fast, Scalable, Simple | Build Better 2024
Build Better 2024 Keynote | The Next Way
Principles for a Modern Manufacturing Technology Stack for Defense | Build Better 2024
What's Next for America's Critical Supply Chains | Build Better 2024
Innovating in Refurbishment, Repair, and Remanufacturing | Build Better 2024
Leading from the Front: The Missing Chapter for Hardware Executives | Build Better 2024
The Next Way for Reducing NPI Cycles | Build Better 2024
The State of Hardware 2025: 1,000 Engineers on Trends, Challenges, and Toolsets | Build Better 2024
Build Better Fireside Chats
Aerospace and Defense: Headwinds & Tailwinds for Electronics Manufacturing in 2025
From Counterfeits to Sanctions: Securing Your Supply Chain in an Era of Conflict
Design for Instrumental - Simple Design Ideas for Engineers to Get the Most from AI in NPI
Webinar | Shining Light on the Shadow Factory
Tactics in Failure Analysis : A fireside chat with Dr. Steven Murray
Preparing for Tariffs in 2025: Resources for Electronics Manufacturers
How to Prepare for Tariffs in 2025: Leaders Share Lessons and Strategies
Samuel Weiss is Instrumental's CTO and cofounder. Before Instrumental, he was a product design engineer at Apple and worked on the first generation Apple Watch.
On my first trip to China, I hopped on a plane without knowing a word of Mandarin. Over a dozen trips later, I’ve learned about a hundred. That’s not particularly impressive, but it is particularly helpful for navigating a build in China.
Overcoming a language barrier can be the most fun or frustrating part of a trip. I typically rely on a combination of human translators, phone apps, and pantomime. In return, I’ve had everyone from line operators to factory engineers teach me anything from elementary counting to tongue twisters.
Here are some phrases I’ve learned that may help you the most on your trip.
A crash course on tones
You’ve probably heard that Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language and that the tone (or modulation of pitch) can change the meaning of a word. In Pinyin (Chinese written with the Roman alphabet), tones are represented by diacritical marks (accents) above vowels. Here’s a crash course:
- mā (first tone) -- flat, high pitch vowel sound
- má (second tone) -- rising pitch vowel sound
- mǎ (third tone) -- falling then rising pitch vowel sound
- mà (fourth tone) -- falling pitch vowel sound
- ma (neutral tone) -- short and de-emphasized
Note that the direction of the diacritical mark shows you how the pitch changes. I’ve also linked you to a Google Translate pronunciation for convenience.
Without further ado, here are:
Ten phrases to get you through your China build
#1 (yī): níhǎo (“nee how”) = hello
This is your go-to, standard greeting. If you want to mix it up a bit, try zǎo (“zow”) = good morning or wǎn ān (“wahn ahn”) = good night.
#2 (èr): hǎo bù hǎo (“how boo how”) = is it okay?
Literally “good / not good?”, this question is a staple for asking whether a unit, test station, lunch, etc. is okay or not. There’s no universal “yes” or “no” answer -- the response will typically be the affirmative (hǎo) or negative (bù hǎo). This format is common for many easy questions:
- duì bú duì (“doo-ay boo doo-ay”) = correct / not correct?
- yǒu méi yǒu (“yoh may yoh”) = have / don’t have?
- O.K. / N.G. (...ok that’s technically English) = okay / no good?
#3 (sān): shénme wèntí (“shen muh wen tee”) = what’s the problem?
Don’t always believe a response of méi wèntí (“may wen tee”) = no problem if you think there’s an issue! You may not need to understand what they are saying -- if they can point to the issue, you can usually see for yourself what is wrong.
#4 (sì): zài nǎli (“___ dzai nah lee”) = where is ___?
Great for asking about people, places, or things. Before your factory contact runs off, don’t forget to ask them nǐ jiào shén me (“nee jow shen muh”) = what’s your name? so you can track them down later.
#5 (wǔ): kāishǐ ma (“kai shih mah”) = are we starting?
For when the line is stopped, but you need to start building!
#6 (liù): zài zuò yī biàn (“dzai dzuoh ee bee-en”) = do it again
Use this phrase if you need an operator to repeat a process.
#7 (qī): yǒu ___ ma (“yoh ___ mah”) = do you have ___?
Not a yo-mama joke. Can be used with:
- jīqì (“jee chee”) = device / machine
- shóuzhǐ tào (“shoh jih tao”) = finger cots, or
- nièzi (“nee-eh dzuh”) = tweezers. I find it helpful to make a pinching motion at the same time to compensate for my pronunciation.
#8 (bā): shénme shíhòu zuò hǎo (“shen muh shih hoh dzuoh how”) = what time will it be ready?
Eight o’clock, for example, is bā diǎn (“bah dee-en”). If you’ve been reading carefully you can already count to eight… keep going and you’ll be all set!
#9 (jiǔ): děng yīxià (“dung ee shee-ah”) = wait!
Helpful for when your driver is about to take off, leaving your coworker behind. Also helpful is duì buqǐ (“doo-ay boo chee”) = sorry! for when you were working so late that your coworker almost left you behind.
#10 (shí): xièxiè (“she-eh she-eh”) = thank you!
Bonus Round
#11 (shíyī): yǒu méi yǒu mayo (yoh may yoh may yoh) = do you have mayonnaise?
Warning: my sense of humor may not be universal.
#12 (shí’èr): sì shì sì, shí shì shí, shísì shì shísì, sìshí shì sìshí (...good luck!) = 4 is 4, 10 is 10, 14 is 14, 40 is 40
Quite the Mandarin tongue twister. Tones are all-important (and all the fun!) here.